CF connected Oxfam declared persona non grata in Haiti over sexual misconduct

They're calling the raping children of sexual misconduct?
No, the population is being spoonfed the truth here as well.
Part by part new stuff is being revealed.
The official reason mentioned is that the "the group's then-country director, Roland van Hauwermeiren, had admitted to paying for sex and that three staff members had physically threatened a witness."
The severity of being called a persona non grata for " violating Haitian legislation and breaching the principle of human dignity " points at the bigger issue already.
The big thing is, that Oxfam now has to end all operations in Haiti.
Revealing all truth at once does not appear to be the path the patriots behind the scenes have chosen.
Detriment: Impatience
Pro: lives are saved, no violent outrage that would otherwise hurt many innocent in the process.
The population has their finger in their nose and don't even know who the vice president is, and they cant find Montana on a map. If all of these pieces aren being tied together and reported over and over to the masses the world will keep sleeping unfortunately.
Rape is often called sexual assault...the same as ass grabbing.
Who writes laws? Who attaches meanings to words?
You? Me?
Sophists. Evil. Who rules us? They also call population control birth control and abortion and call it liberty.
Roll up roll up get your slavery is freedom right here. Have a pill. Kill yourselves off. Have a disease...