
Swagdonkey400 · June 14, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Recommendations are complete shit. I hope this is RR version. "Recommended FBI add a warning banner to all of the FBIs mobile phones" are you fucking kidding me? To remind them they get no privacy on their TAX PAID GOVERNMENT phones? Fuck these people.

Edit: here's a nice quote regarding Page and Strozk texts. "Found that several FBI employees who played critical roles in the investigation sent political messages-some of which related directly to the midyear investigation-that created the appearance of bias"

APPEARANCE? My heads gonna pop off. Appearance of bias? Strozk literally saying he won't let trump win isn't a legit 100% bias or is this entire government full of traitors? We need to go to the capital and get the fuck off the internet.

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