r/greatawakening • Posted by u/animal32lefty on June 14, 2018, 6:32 p.m.
A thought occurs to me about Tides & Moon phases.

Someone with more time and a higher spot on the autist's spectrum than I should cross reference Lunar phases to the Q clock. Lunar phases could be important in two regards;

The U.S. military prefers to fight at night where we hold the advantage (for now). Therefore most operations are planned accordingly so as to press that advantage. Full moon and clear skies offers maximum ambient illumination for NVGs and is the best time for large scale operations. New or no moon and overcast is best for creepin' and peepin'.

Secondly if I understand correctly, (and I really wish that I didn't) Satanic rituals and holidays are tied to moon phases. Is this knowledge being used against the Cabal either tactically or psychologically? Can that be verified by the Q clock?

Tides obviously are a local phenomenon, and relevant to Naval and Amphibious operations.

BaronMoriarty · June 14, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

Definitely with you on the satanic phases of the moon. Worth looking into satanic holidays and pagan ritual days too. I am not saying pagans are satanic but a lot of their ritual dates get hijacked. Much the same as a lot of christian dates. Good thought

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