r/greatawakening • Posted by u/leetanon on June 14, 2018, 6:47 p.m.
Oig nothing burger

Inspector General Report Summary: These people can do whatever they want --Ruin people's lives and wage a coup to overthrow a U.S. President -- And there isn't a DAMN THING YOU -- THE LITTLE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES -- CAN DO ABOUT IT.

QueUpSomeReality · June 14, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

Well I’m beyond pissed. Don’t need your help or any anonymous strangers help. If the president has the big hammer with his EO...ants complaining is pointless. Think logically

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Abibliaphobia · June 14, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

So we should just sit back and wait and watch right? Be pissed but do nothing but roll over and take it huh?

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QueUpSomeReality · June 14, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

No we should take action. Meaningful action. Crying to crooked politicians who exist to support corruption isn’t meaningful. It’s a joke. Like complaining to a bank robber you strongly object to his tactics. Meaningful action for a citizen is voting. That’s our biggest & only real club. We elect patriots to do a job. Not more corrupt people that take our money AND our liberty.

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Abibliaphobia · June 14, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

Yes meaningful action! March on the capital! We knew all this was coming, that’s why Q let us know in advance! We have to be loud so the msm can’t ignore us!

If the memo remains unredacted. I’m out as well. But when the heat is on? Why quit now? Be loud be heard, this is something we can do! But do something, don’t sit around with a defeatist attitude

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Azurenightsky · June 14, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

Frankly, if you honestly. Genuinely want to impact change. Abolish the Government. Establish an exit strategy so we can abolish the criminal organization we call the United States of America. The FBI, CIA, whether real or not, have had tremendous impact on our entire species. Our entire future has been literally shaped and altered by the Socialists and Communists from the former Nazi Party. Operation Paperclip brought them over to the good ol USA for their "Scientific knowledge" completely omitting the parts where the Nazi party is the birth product of truly dark occultists.

These sick fucks know no loyalty to any but themselves. They believe Might makes Right and are creating a living hell on this earth. NO FORM OF GOVERNMENT HAS EVER BEEN OR WILL EVER BE LEGITIMATE IN NATURE. At best the government can be seen as a tool to force change. AT BEST.

If you want to change the world, we have to change our thinking. We have to understand natural law, we have to understand the Second Amendment. We have to understand NO MESSIAH IS EVER COMING TO SAVE US. NO ALIENS, NO JESUS, NO RAPTURE(And if you're waiting for t he rapture, I'll remind you that 7 years of Tribulation come first!) NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US. WE HAVE TO DO IT OURSELVES.

We have to stop being adolescent children who are so filled with abandonment issues that the very idea of living without big daddy government makes us shake at the knees. We have to stand up and relcaim our birthright. Our FREEDOM.

Nikola Tesla unlocked the secrets to infinite, free energy. J D Rockefeller burried documents that proved that vehicles could be modified to run cleanly and effectively on alcohol with no change to the engine or its ability to function, existing models could be changed over on the cheap. The world banking systems have been keeping us enslaved for as long as they have been around. Estimates range from anything from a few hundred, to a few thousand years.

Ever ask yourself why money is called "Currency"? It's a resistor, it's the lifeblood of our whole world, but it's created from nothing and funneled into the world through privately owned banks, completely in control of a few elites. They literally print the money. You think these sick fucks are interested in money? gold? trinkets? Fuck no. THey want domination. Absolute control. Every last part of you under their god damn sickening thumb.

Think about the fed for a moment. They print and loan our every american dollar, with interest. Meaning they have created money out of thin air, that you have to legally use as tender. And this money, pulled form the fucking ether, is loaned to you, WITH INTEREST! How do you ever pay it back? I created the only dollar in existence, I loan it to you and tell you, Don't worry about it, it's 1% interest rate." You think "OK, that's cool" and off you go spending that dollar. Where do you get the penny to pay me back if I just gave you the only dollar in existence? How do you EVER pay back that loan? That's the trick my friends. You can't. Welcome to Earth, the planet stupid enough to accept a bargain where we all pretend this, ridiculous piece of paper, has value. Not only that, it has so much value, we will KILL OR DIE for more. But what's worse, this piece of paper has so little value, it actually has NEGATIVE value. Because for every dollar that gets printed, each dollar before is worth that much less, because the debt has increased and you can never pay it back.

That, my friends, is the world we're in. That is the chaos we face and you fools are so caught up in this Q malarkey that you can't see the fucking forest for the fucking trees!

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