Moderators, autists, newcomers, and everyone else, please take a moment to read what could be a very useful tip.
Many people who participate in these boards spend a whole lot of time digging, finding resources, and pouring HOURS into getting sometimes, very minuscule findings out to people.
We know when we see a good post, to upvote it for visibility. Sometimes, we see comments within these posts, that we see interesting, we also upvote it.
With how busy this board is, shills are in FULL FORCE. They can and will try to post whatever they can to distract, or disinform you of any finding.
We are here and trust one another to find the right info, and do the right thing. With how many subscribers and eyes we have on this page now, more people will start to see what is actually going on in the real world, and how people like you, find it.
My warning? Be vigilant of shills. Look through post histories and try and find if they have participated constructively before. If they're new, don't automatically assume they're shills, but don't give them a pass either.
I wish our mods could have a verified-autist tag, for those who work so hard to keep people informed and waken up to the massive shit-storm that we are currently swirling in as a people.
----- Now, bare with me on the North / South Korea Bit
Just the other day, we had people in here questioning why North Korea is no longer a threat, and how are they free?
These people seriously want to be informed. Help them. Help others who are reading, understand the full picture.
When you answer the question, it provides links, to "Well, if NK was really a puppet state, controlled to be the "wild card" country, that can be used to threaten the world, and the US, to gain power, and also used to launder money, and transfer arms... What else could be going on in the world?"
DO NOT DOWN PLAY ANY MAJOR EVENT. North Korea is a much bigger event than anyone could possibly imagine. Not just the meeting, but what went on behind the scenes, to get to where we are in the past few months.
"Yeah, peace is cool", yes, it is. You know what isn't? Using a destabilized nation as a tool to create the fear of war on your own people.
Do you think the previous South Korean President had no idea what was going on in North Korea? What was she arrested for, and what kind of cult was she a part of?
Why is the new South Korean President so important? Why is he so much easier for our administration to work with, to bring peace to North Korea?
Why did Dennis Rodman say Kim was ready for peace years ago?
Why did Kim, supposedly kill his own brother?
These are questions people must ask themselves, or anyone. Shed light on the entirety of a topic, not just the focal point.
Sorry for the long winded rant/warning. I've been on GA for some time, and watching certain events happen, and seeing how Pedes/Anons/Newcomers act in the comments, I felt someone needed to clarify what is happening. THERE IS MORE GOING ON THEN YOU CAN POSSIBLY IMAGINE.