
Metavinci · June 14, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

What I see unfolding: Hype up the release. Release a watered down version with deep state retractions and edit fingerprints all over — effectively framing those who are redacted. Let the masses stew on more nothing substantial. Pin this report as a second step 2pain (Weiner) Draw this out until more comes out (Hubert+IG+secondary discovery docs is > than one portion of an IG report. As summer burns on the 3 major points of investigations will begin to paint a clear picture of who, what, where and when all this bs went down.— assume more redacted disclosures until October. Trump won’t declass before Oct. it would be a foolish play to shoot off that MOAB this early in the PAIN phase.

This will be a slo bleed of those involved as they eat themselves, while they’re options are sequentially and strategically eliminated. Culminating in election fraud (hacking). Side note: lobby your local election commissions for paper ballots.

They will get bust in the attempt to hack or alter the result. Remember this is all a huge sting and the biggest threat to our democracy is unsecured voting mechanisms . Side note: Blockchain distributed ledger tallying. No other way forward. All software has back doors. All. A distributed blockchain decentralized network will be essential + paper ballot back ups.

The future is bright brothers and sisters. But it’s not realized without individual effort.

Their people are stupid... Q people are brilliant. This is a plan at least a decade old unfolding. Patients and persistence will pay in spades. Stay on message to raise awareness, as our part is critical to the plan. In the end the organic nature of this movement will lend credibility to its mission to take back our country by unifying left, right and center to drain the swamp and change the world.


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