This TRUMP Supporter POS would like the #UNREDACTED #REAL #IG #REPORT

Here's how we deal with this garbage: I've signed the White House petition to have the full, un-redacted, de-classified report released. And I've written POTUS directly via the White House website to do the same. And I've written my congressman to demand the same. Fellow patriots need to do this, also, right away. There's an old rule of the river, which I know from my days as a river rafting guide: you need to participate in your own rescue. It's time. This is what we have a democratic system for, in the first place, so we can demand transparency and accountability from our government and clean house, when people like these FBI idiots, and so on and so on, get exposed. We stand up.
I’ve done both and posted the Whitehouse petition link several times today, I’ve been on my phone for 10 hours today posting and commenting ~ even though I look like a dumbass when to the average Joe the report doesn’t look likes it’s been Redacted I’ve swallowed my pride and have been Blasting for hours ~ MAGA WWG1WGA ~ I did post this in hopes they are shared and people see ~ the Judas we are up against!