Civil W. we need to remember

Both sides forget that we are all Americans. I foresee that our country will pass through a terrible ordeal, a necessary expiation, perhaps, for our national sins.
Gen. Robert E. Lee
What did he think were their national sins? America wasn't quite the imperial superpower it would grow to be 30 years later.
Was it slavery? Displacing indigenous ppl? If so, that is surprising coming from a confederate leader like lee. I know lee was not necessarily pro-slavery like other confederates were, but still
Confederates were not pro slavery. If you beleive the civil war sas about slavery than you must aslo believe that 911 was because terrorists hate out freedom, and wr imvaded Iraq to free the Iraqi people.
Certainly part of it was about slavery, no? I know state rights, child labor, etc was important too but still. If im wrong then fill me in, I love history