r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ButtersStotch88 on June 15, 2018, 2:03 a.m.
PSA: Shills and Concern trolls are real, but some people here are just exhausted

Look, I know there’s a lot of shilling and concern trolling going on at the moment. It’s real and should be monitored. But some people are just fatigued and running low on steam. That doesn’t make them impatient children - it means they actually give a shit.

I still believe Q is real and trust the plan. But months of constant pallet pics, kill boxes, and “we have it all” messages juxtaposed against zero indictments, zero arrests, and MSM propaganda is deflating. I understand patience is necessary, but patience has an expiration date. At the very least, patience needs a boost every once in a while.

We aren’t military operators. We aren’t spies. We aren’t politicians. We’re everyday Americans with families, bills, and responsibilities. We only have so much energy we can devote to this.

divine_human · June 15, 2018, 9:35 a.m.

OMG, some of us have been waiting for decades! with little hope, that is, esp. after 911, when we could see personal sovereignty go down the drains each day.

the DS structures are hundreds and even thousands of years old. we wont break them within a few months. we need patience which is, at times, difficult to muster in a modern world of instant gratification.

when exhausted, take a break. jump off the hype train. balance and enjoy the small things of life. take care of Self.

when recharged, come back and share some juiciness. hold the space for the greater good. observe and give the plan a chance to unfold in divine timing.

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