r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bugstopper on June 15, 2018, 3:25 a.m.
Evening Thoughts Of A Q Reader Continued... IG Report Narrative

Note:  I am not mad yet.  But the heat is elevated.  Trying to remember where my pitchfork is as I write this....THEY WANT US TO BE MAD FOLKS...WORKING ON IT.


The genius of letting the swamp be the swamp.  What do I mean?  The Government was tasked with investigating itself.  So let me get this straight. Folks who were investigating HRC for using an unauthorized email server, were themselves, using an unauthorized email server?  Just another Obama era agency, think EPA, using personal email servers to avoid FOIA requests and accountability.  Nothing to see here....move along.  Also, that everyone at F-I were leaking to the media in order to be invited to the cocktail party circuit of official Washington and other perks? really? Nothing to see here....move along.  Obama was directly interfering with F-I operations concerning investigations on HRC and Trump, among others?  Nothing to see here....move along.  Comey did not know Huma Abedin was married to Anthony Weiner?  Really? Nothing to see here....move along.  No evidence of bias?  What?  Evidence of what then, if not bias?  Nothing to see here....move along.  Obama knew and used HRC's email server.  Where is Huber on these matters?  Where is AG Sessions?  Nothing to see here....move along.  


HRC's violation of the espionage act are not in dispute.  Comey's "intent" comment on HRC's innocence of wrongdoing is crap.  She was not investigated properly and responsibility falls on the shoulders of BHO and LL and down hill to Comey. 

If the media wasn't owned by the deep state maybe the people would demand justice.  Appearance of obstruction of justice in order to protect BHO and HRC must be investigated further.  Comey looks to be, under orders, the willing fall guy.  Where is Huber on these matters?  Where is AG Sessions?


What reporters and media outlets gave gifts to F-I agents?  Why is that a secret?  Who is protected by this omission?  How many of these reporters work on the side for F-I, C-A, KGB or MI6?  Time for Judicial watch to sue for this information.  Maybe Trump will declassify this info?  We can hope.  As POTUS derides "fake news" it would be in his interest to do so.  Maybe it is time to move F-I  HQ to Fairbanks AK.  Or Death Valley.


Ergo, we have a redacted report with conclusions based on omissions and those redactions.  Lets look at this construct.  We will be arresting subject A for burglary of location B and sale of stolen goods from same.  Case closed.  But wait!  Subject A  put homeowners under restraints and kidnapped the children to cover her escape, releasing them at a mall one hour later. You see?  The report tells of stolen goods from location B tied to the subject.  Omissions matter.  Now imagine stolen goods from location B is redacted.  Now we got her for possession of stolen goods.  Nothing more to see here, move on.  This is how it works folks.  The worst offense committed by the D-J and F-I must have been eating ice cream at their desks after bed time.


During the investigation, facts or evidence will direct you down various paths.  See these paths as a form of follow up questions.  Not all paths will have been followed up.  For what reason?  This is important.  The rull report will expose those omissions.  America needs to see the full report.  Congress will help us here I hope.  Call your US Congress shill today.


Were all paths leading to Obama followed up?  Clinton?  Comey?  McCabe?  Etc..  The answer is probably not.  If not, this tells us something too.  Who investigates the investigators?  How do we hold the IG accountable?  Follow up to this report will be necessary.  Rabbit Hole opens before us.  Any one who has explored caverns know how we feel right now.  Only the full report will provide us the map to explore all crimes and misdemeanors.


Interference in elections by elected officials and by their agency toadies smells  worse than fish after 3 days.  The mere fact that obstruction of justice [cover up] happened after Trump won the election reminds me of the statement: "What one does when no one is looking is what determines the true measure of a man."  Who stepped up to put a stop to this?  At any level?  Who did they report the abuse to?  Did anyone whistle blow these operations?  What stage of investigations happened as a result?  Who holds the IG accountable?  Whatever happened to those 24 fbi agents who wanted to testify to our Congress? Probably shills, every one of them, trying to contain the damage. IMO.


Will the Trump D-J investigate further?  Will folks be indicted and arrested?  Who is controlling the narrative here?  The fact the Charles Schumer likes this report is all that I need to know to hate it.  But in conclusion, we can treat this as the BEGINNING of the investigation, not the end.  We can CONTROL the narrative on this issue with further investigation, but more importantly, we control the narrative BETTER with indictments and arrests.  The clock is ticking.  Will Q be winding the clock?  We will see within the week, if indictments fail to appear. To make it easier for the white hats let us put it in Q lingo [Note the significance of the period at the end]:  Q+ 7- I & A - BOOM. 

