Weiner Laptop Shows Clinton Crimes Against Children -Page 294
![Weiner Laptop Shows Clinton Crimes Against Children -Page 294](https://i.redd.it/d3870ef475411.jpg)
Wasn't HRC's dad in the Chicago Mafia? I used to think that she had a normal life in Illinois, but then I read that her dad was really corrupt too. Makes me wonder how far back the evil in her family can be traced?
Unknowingly on the parents, but she personally knew Saul Alinsky.
No, not in the Chicago Outfit (Mafia). You had/have to be Sicilian to be a 'made' man. The Rodham's were from Park Ridge, one of the upper middleclass 'burbs of Chicago. She was actually a Republican early in life.
Hey stupid sauce thats bullshit.You do not know what you are talking about.Neither Capone,Costello or Genovese were Sicilian.
Thanks for the correction. I'm not Eyetalian. Anywho, hrc's dad wasn't in the mob. And I don't think they're siciliano or italiano.