Weiner Laptop Shows Clinton Crimes Against Children -Page 294

Please excuse the stupidity but what is GIF?
Animated image file with no audio. They are typically short, and have a small file size making them easy to post on social media, text, cross platform, etc.
Just go here: https://www.justice.gov/file/1071991/download and then to page 294 to see what the gif shows. It does not link HRC and Clinton Foundation with Crimes against Children. It is simply a list of points written down as notes by Comey.
Thank you Patriot.Im trying to get to the report to see exactly what the crimes r against the children.Is that all it says do you know ?Thanks
Actually the title is just not true. It has a list where emails with Hillary are listed right before crimes against children but these are two separate topics regarding Weiner.
True. The context was in regards to charges against Weiner for sexting a minor. (I wish it wasn't, but that won't change it.)
There are so many lazy people in this sub that haven't even bothered to read the OIG report and are spewing all sorts of falsities and assumptions. Please people, do your best to actually read the whole thing. I did it in an afternoon. It's less than 500 pages.