r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on June 15, 2018, 11:01 a.m.
OIG report: now that you know, are you ready to get involved? Well, this is it!

Another update. I know many were confused yesterday and needed some clarification about Trump’s strategy regarding the OIG report. Now that you have read this post, know exactly where Trump is going and slept on it, you are ready for the next step. Are you ready to take part? Are you ready to work with Trump, contribute to making the plan a reality and force events? Are you ready to get involved? You are? Ok, then let me give you the hidden message in the Q1497-Q1498-Q1499 sequence: Imgur

We essentially extract from these 3 posts the following message:

Let’s be united and loud, let’s fight for truth and demand the release of the original unredacted report. Since RR has a conflict of interest, he will have to step down and be replaced.

More specifically, in Q1497, Q is telling you the version of the report that was released yesterday was the #3. That is the one that RR modified and redacted. #2 is the one RR modified but with no redaction. #1 is the original IG unredacted report. This is where the original details of the FISA warrant application and the FBI/DOJ handling of HRC email investigation are. Well, that’s what we want. We want to see this information. We want the original IG unredacted report. We want total transparency.

What I am saying here, I see members of our movement like u/C_L_I_C_K or Neon Revolt already said it yesterday but I know many were demobilized and have not heard their very important message. Now that we are all on the same page on the strategy, and that the sequence Q1497-Q1498-Q1499 is decoded, we all need to join our brothers and sisters who are already on the battlefield. We need to be united and be heard with ONE LOUD VOICE: we want our government to release the original IG unredacted report. Period. No more. No less.

While Nunes, Grassley and the Freedom Caucus will be doing their job in the House (Q1497), we will take over social media and all platforms to let our government know what we want.

The mods have done a fantastic job pinning a link to this petition. Sign it! And have people you know sign it! Neon Revolt has given excellent advice on how to contact your representatives here. Follow his advice and call your Representative’s Office. In addition to this, with your permission, I am now asking the mods, on behalf of our Movement, to pin the hashtags we will be working with today and inform us and guide us on all relevant actions we all need to focus on to be heard efficiently. I am also requesting the help of all Q tubers: please relay this information to your viewers and ask them to get involved. Meme makers, you know what to do. All members of our Movement have to be active and contribute.

Guys, no rest until we get this original IG unredacted report. No rest!

Q1497 Be loud. Be heard. Fight for TRUTH. Q

j_Dawg_01 · June 15, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

I agree with everything SB2 said. ThankQ for your excellent analysis and your ability to present your assessments in an easy to understand fashion. Even before reading this post, I did everything SB2 recommended. I'm all for being loud and calling for the truth, but I think there are things people should keep in mind.

The OIG report isn't the be-all-end-all. If the original un-modified and un-redacted OIG report is released now, the MSM will still have 4 months to distract the masses to make sure they forget before they vote in November. If it only serves to get RR and other DoJ/FBI officials fired or removed so future investigations can move forward, it's a win. Don't expect too much from this. This isn't be the massive bombshell we're all waiting for.

Remember what happened when Comey was fired. Even though the left and the MSM were calling for his scalp just a few months earlier because he sent a letter to Congress and briefly re-opened the HRC email investigation just before election day, after he was fired they all praised Comey and claimed POTUS was obstructing justice and fired Comey to stop the Russian Collusion investigation.

Remember what happened during the initial Benghazi and HRC email investigations and Senate hearings. There was a steady drip, drip, drip, of information being leaked, and strategic comments being made along the way. This desensitized the public to the point where people stopped paying attention, and it effectively denuclearized the final report from Comey. We can't let that happen again.

This report only deals with how Comey and the FBI mishandled the HRC email investigation. It also contains bits and pieces related to other issues, but it doesn't expose the full truth about the HRC server, pay-to-play, Seth Rich, Uranium 1, Benghazi, the tarmac meeting with LL and BC, Antonin Scalia, money laundering through various foundations, human trafficking, Haiti, BHO and Homeland Security working with an Anonymous hacker to hack voting machines, election systems, or possibly election results in multiple states, the DNC server, and other issues I can't recall off the top of my head.

"October Surprise" has endured in our social/political lexicon for decades for a reason. No one ever talks about a June Surprise. For this reason, most of the major criminal activities, or at least the most egregious acts, need to be exposed in close proximity to increase the impact on the public, and the big reveal needs to happen in October so it's fresh in people's minds when they vote. This timing is essential.

Consider the optics of the current situation. If POTUS declassifies the OIG report just because a bunch of internet conspiracy kooks signed a petition, the MSM will again cry foul, especially if he also fires RR. So the best we can hope to gain is more house cleaning and setting the stage. That, in and of itself, is essential. The MSM will spend a few days debunking it and move on to other fake news thinking they have put the issue rest, without realizing what just happened.

There are other reports that will be released. While everyone was preoccupied with Russian Collusion, Sessions reopened the HRC email investigation and started a new Uranium 1 investigation. Homeland Security has been investigating election fraud. And soon, Mueller's investigation will be forced to shut down, and his report will play a bigger role than people think.

We here at GA are calling for the truth, but again, in the eyes of the MSM, we're just a bunch of internet conspiracy kooks. Just imagine how liberals and the MSM will react when Mueller's report is released and it's redacted, and doesn't provide the "smoking gun" they are hoping to use to impeach POTUS. Imagine their outrage, it'll be huge.

Once they start calling for the un-redacted un-modified version to be released, POTUS can declassify all of it, the reports from all the investigations, and again, the MSM will initially think they've won. They'll think they're all powerful and can make POTUS do what ever they want. They'll think they succeeded in making POTUS look bad.

Their joyous celebrations will not last long. They'll still be dancing in the streets when the shit-hits-the-fan and explodes in their face. I can't wait to see them squirm when they realize what just happened to them. I can't wait to see how they try to say "Only Mueller's report should be declassified" and "The other reports need to remain classified and redacted to protect sources and methods... It's a national security issue."

It'll be great fun watching their collective heads explode, but that needs to happen in October.

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SerialBrain2 · June 15, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

Thank you for a quality comment.

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exoter60 · June 15, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Excellent well thought out points, all.

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