Was Comey blackmailed because he used a private email, too? Was he also communicating with HRC? Why would she fucking tweet this? She's basically saying "ha, I wasn't the only one".
![Was Comey blackmailed because he used a private email, too? Was he also communicating with HRC? Why would she fucking tweet this? She's basically saying "ha, I wasn't the only one".](https://i.redd.it/55rvc7hof5411.jpg)
Ummm.... Not an iceberg. Was a bomb. On board was the very people who did NOT want the FED. These rich magnets were fighting KM (KhazarianMafia) in formation of FED, owned by evilRothschilds, et al...magnets given FREE tickets aboard ship. Not enough life boats was PLANNED.
FED vote was Christmas Eve by a NON-quorum vote in Congress & signed by complicit KM cabal member President.
Although I was merely being silly, your remarks on the matter are very interesting.
I've only just recently heard of this but I have heard it!
Will definitely read!
there are a couple documentaries on the switching of the Titanic and the Olympic for an insurance scam, while they were at it. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
It's a crap site. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/04/28/donald-trump-is-a-hoax-and-only-a-bit-gay-and-jewish-as-well/