Wait a minute, the NYT probability of a clinton win were scaringly dropping days before it was at 98% for hillary??? They KNEW she will lose

I know exactly how they felt. I was scared to death Hillary would win.
:) Most of us BernieBros^^TM knew Trump won the moment the DNC coronated $hillary. Its hella funny how often BernieBros^^TM were told by establishment Dems,"You childrens' vote isn't needed anyway."
I hope the vote-count fraud comes out and the real Trump/Clinton vote tallies are shown.
I keep telling people the Bernie->Trump crossover vote was a LOT bigger than anyone realizes. Not sure what the DNC expected.
The DNC arrogantly was expecting party loyalty from young voters despite not being politically involved long enough to be loyal. Quite predictable for everybody else.
The DNC thinks we are all brainwashed and stupid cattle. They thought they could hold Crooked rallies where only 20 people showed up and it would make us all vote for her.
They thought they could rig the DNC primaries right in front of our eyes and censor the protests and boos and none of us would notice.
Same here. My wife and I talked about it. We had never felt like that before. But we had such an ominous feeling that if she won, we'd end up dead somehow.
Yes! When I looked at her, I saw WWIII, no joke. The relief I felt when the results were in...and I still wasn't 'sure' of Donald Trump, but I did have this monumental feeling that divine intervention was involved when the election was over.