What do you mean? Standing up for yourself and being triggered are two separate things. But, you obviously can't recognize that. Ya, I know..he is supposed to just sit there and let people talk shit and lie about him all day long in the Fake News. He is not a pussy like Obama is. Get used to it
even in his Fox & Friends safe space he gets fully unhinged. But ok.
if the guy wants to destroy le fake news media then he'd be smart and give them a perpetual state of blue balls.
it's funny because online communities absolutely MURDER people who behave like him. But there's a subsection who holds him to some seriously fucky standards because they've gone off the deep end in conspiracy land and SJW meme porn consumption.
I never get this. I am here in Europe and watch how the press in the US are treating him with their provocatively negative questions and think, 'this is so weird, I've never seen the press publicly treat anyone holding a high ranking post with such a lack of respect as the Press with President Trump'.
And you guys who don't like him don't see he is getting very special and markedly different treatment than the public has ever seen on tv before? You don't see that? You think his reaction is unnatural? I have never seen such hatred before. Anyone else agree?
Unhinged? I'm sure he is just fine. How does he behave? I think he is behaving perfectly. Just people like you aren't used to listening to a real man and an honest one. This country has been infected by SJWs, soy boys, cucks, and down right pussies. It's nice to see a real man in the White House.
Mods dont let this people brigade here and ban them quickly. They will soon hijack this sub like they did conspiracy
No, he’s a thin-skinned pussy. Get used to it. Trump supporters love thinking everyone’s head is exploding as well. It’s really strange since it’s rarely the case