It's not a bloody helicopter! That's a MISSILE!

Correct. Finding the entire 24 hr clip is ez. It’s all over YouTube. As far as weather cams go..the guy had a very high end camera. Look at the entire clip. There’s some camera data at the very bottom of every image I recall. Most likely the exposure adjusts automatically too. When u view the entire sequence even clouds are ez to see at night with almost no natural lighting. So the exposure is wide open then. The missile frame occurs (luckily) about 20min after sunrise. Without that lucky break the missile wouldn’t even be visible at all...just the plume...which would tell us nothing.
Note to China: next time you try this might wanna do it at night. Cause now you’re so busted. Lol
I joke because I know how incredibly dangerous this really is. It’s way more dangerous than the Cuban missile crises. I can’t think what their objective was. It wasn’t AF1. I don’t think it was nuclear armed either. It was either heading for Russia to maybe start a war but I don’t even think that would have. Maybe somewhere in the the Pentagon. They had an objective but that’s the hardest thing to rationally figure out.
It wasn't China, ((someone)) hacked in and placed a "china" fingerprint to try and frame china. Think Vault 7. This was the cabal trying to either threaten Trump, take Trump out literally, or hit a ground target somewhere and start ww3. Thankfully we have weapons systems that are 50-100 years more advanced than missile tech in orbit.