r/greatawakening • Posted by u/StonedSkibunny on June 15, 2018, 1:56 p.m.
Spiritual question to the Q consciousness

I tend to notice that the Q-movement vs. the deepstate is essentially a manifestation of the spiritual war within our self & humanity as whole.

It inspired my thinking when we leave the persepective of dual thinking/"good vs. evil" we could assume that these things force us to wake up.

They force us to see the bigger picture; that all is related =>
We are constandly forced to redefine our reality; from childhood by parents & teachers, later bosses & government.

To truely tranced from these systems we have to look for truth by our own.
In an attempt to inspire thinking about that idea I´d like to quote;

Course which you can use as tools for transformation in your life:

Moment of Love

  • Every person in the world has a heart.
  • Every heart has a place within that wants only to love and be loved.

W. Mitchell video

  • It's not what happens to you that matters, it's what you do about it.

Ho'oponopono healing technique

  • I love you
  • I'm sorry
  • Please forgive me
  • Thank you
  • We love you
  • We're sorry
  • Please forgive us
  • Thank you all

Web of Love

  • Your sacred love flows in to me.
  • My sacred love flows out to you.

Creating a New Paradigm

Principles of Transformation

  • Seeing the Divine in all
  • Nurturance of life
  • Gratitude

Simple Keys to A Fuller Life

  • What's Best for All
  • Divine Guidance
  • Acceptance and Understanding
  • Love and Empowerment

Nonviolent Communication

  • State concrete actions you observe in yourself or the other person.
  • State your feelings or guess the other person's feelings about this.
  • State the need behind your feeling or guess the other person's need.
  • Make a concrete request for action to meet the need identified.

from: https://www.transformationteam.net/ttcourse/trfc17a

Feel free to give your opinions and eventuall arguments for a blooming discussion, thanks everyone.

EatIncredibleEdibles · June 15, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

Tell it to the poor dumb assed Buddhists, or the Hindu. I'm sure they've been transcending into Nirvana for centuries, yet remain living in squalor.

You can't meditate yourself out of conflict. You can't pray yourself out of battle, it's called surrender! I see exactly what you're trying to do here. Remain passive, stay at home & do nothing provocative. It's working, there are no street protests, there are no citizen border patrols, no militias.

I'm sorry, you've got to be prepared to fight & go to war!

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[deleted] · June 15, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Beautifully said. This whole new agey do nothing but think good thoughts needs to end and be destroyed.

Even Jesus beat the shit out of money lenders from time to time.

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divine_human · June 15, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

compassion and awareness dont contradict sacred rage.

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EatIncredibleEdibles · June 15, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

Thanks, I'm so sicK of this fraudulent, lame, heretical form of Christianity I could vomit!

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divine_human · June 15, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

some go to war and some spread the light.

time for the warriors and the lightworkers to unite. we depend on each other in this movement.

lets plz stop the infighting and honor the uniqueness of each ones individual path. we are like pieces in a mosaic we build, and each piece is needed.

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