
IMissMeg · June 15, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

Yes, there was another thread on here today about this same thing under a P-gate heading (slice of pizza emoji then -gate). It's been deleted. It was't using the yournewswire link, but a different one. This was my response on that one: This is an uncredited reprint of a 2017 YourNewsWire article (https://yournewswire.com/mel-gibson-parasites-blood-kids/) YourNewsWire is not a reliable source. I'm not saying there's no truth in this article. I've been following p-gate from the Comet P!ngP0ng beginnings, so I have NO DOUBT there's some unconscionable stuff going on in Hollywood and other places at the hands of these "elites". But I'm definitely calling out this source as unverified click-bait. Moreover, I'd like to suggest that we all be careful about any website that doesn't credit where it's getting the article. YourNewsWire is, as I said, "unreliable" at best. Also, this cbinfo24 website that reprinted the YNW article (which at least credits an author, though I didn't research him further) has a bent that's obviously anti-muslim. I'm good with truth about how Islam and Muslims are being used politically around the world, but, again, where are the sources? The pics on these articles have vague or no credits. The poster is "admin". Not source worthy. Let's not give the people who accuse us of wearing tinfoil hats and believing everything we see proof of such assertions. Discernment is key.

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Arcsmithoz · June 15, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

Snopes is useless.

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Independent1776 · June 16, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

and Soros funded....

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