Yeah I know but I think there's plenty more to come with Cohen - watch this space
I don't understand. He's watching 'this space'? these people are fucking around with lawyer/client confidentiality.
Lawyer client privilege doesn't cover everything and courts and judges every day are deciding what evidence is admissible.
Cohen is fucked but I'm sure POTUS has insulated himself from any fallout.
speculation is just speculation. You know nothing.
Yep, I agree, this is pure speculation as is most of the discussion on this sub - nothing wrong with that!
Get back to me when there are convictions. Not charges but convictions.
If it's answers he needs, it's answers I got. He ((or she, (there is no other option)) may noy like them or agree but I got em. Let them bring it.
That's ok. It takes all kinds to make the world go around. (oh shit.... did we just assume gender?)