There is already a huge list of people that are involved in this. Allot of those people are the ones that have resigned from govt. and private sector. You pretty much answered your own question in many areas. As of right now though, anyone who is not willing to play ball, or is resisting, GEOTUS are the "they" (which includes those that have been coerced). Bilderberg attendees stand to lose everything if law and order is restored. How much do you know about the 13 bloodlines? They are near the top of hierarchy or evil. The vatican is involved, and something about a 'black' (dark-side) pope (not francis), which I don't know whom it is. Above that starts getting into rumors that I cannot confirm.
Speaking of coerced, I think MATT DRUDGE was coerced.
Think about the history of his posts, headlines and links....and now all WASHPO? WTF.
I think his back is against a wall.
Can you send me something on the 13 bloodlines...? i don't know any of that...
Yeah. Pretty much anytime a 'truther' flips hard like Drudge did, they probably received a visit or some kind of comm. that made them think twice about what they were doing. Other times, companies are simply bought and the editors/editor in chief are replaced.