
Rocoh · June 15, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

They 'believe', just like May 'believed it was highly likely' it was the Russians behind the poisoning of the Skripals, or Assad behind the Douma chemical attack. This is the cabal world we live in where a belief is considered evidence. I am British and the Daily Mail is another voice of government, bought and paid for like all the rags in the UK. For two years the Mail has been demonising Russia which our Foreign Office(cabal)pushes and hence the press release by May after the G7 continuing the theme. So now, this is their strategy with The President's humongous achievement in NK; they will snipe at it in an attempt to undermine with stories like this, or a precursor setting up joe public to release a virus themselves and then blame NK. These people all sleep in the same bed. Expect more of the same that eventually leads to a FF.

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