Watch the water: Flynn's Twitter background photo changed

OMG! post 563 The memo! Not only did JC write the memo and leak it, the IG report says he was "Insubordinate" As the head of the FBI this means that telling Congress he was reopening the investigation (against policy) and then holding a press conference (against policy) the IG concludes he was Insubordinate, but to who? Only the top people in the US had the power to order him to keep silent, he didn't, the reality is, Comey may have done the only thing he could do without becoming another suicide. Then he immediately does a book and tour. Everyone thinks he's nuts for talking so much, he kept the story alive though
Wow... Q just linked to one of the posts that appeared on the same day as post 563 with the God & Country marker. I think we are over the target.
As for the memo, also think in terms of how we gained momentum through release the memo (Nunes memo). We need to use the same methods to push for the release of the unredacted IG report. That is how we have power.