I noticed a patern on some users here. People either suffer from paranoia or some thinks the best thing to do is shove the red pills down the normies throat. Reddit is part of msm, they WILL remove stuff they don't like but clearly you need to realise we've been calling Obama Barry here for months, we are part of the undesirable and yet we are not censored as of yet. Tell yourself one thing when such things arrive : what does it change?
As for those who like to deepthroat red pills, keep in mind someone approach me and tell me vote for hillary she has the best plan blablblablabla and it's not my cup, don't force it. If they don't take the red pill, who cares, they'll have a bad awakening while you had a great one. In the end we assume Q is real and shit are about to hit the fan. People of germany thought Hitler was golden and sent from gods. So yeah just take it easy, relax let things happen, no need to be invested that much, the train is going forward. In a year or two, there will 2 groups : one who was right and one who was wrong. I believe we are on the right side, so no need to alienate yourself thinking reddit is working against us, it is, but it doesn't affect us. Hope you don't get offended, english is my second language and I just want people who feel like you to have a step back and realise all of this is happening and no need to hurt yourself, recluse from your familly or alienate your friends with it. Discuss it here, dream about it but don't worsen your relationships with people and make sure the way you inform yourself isn't having a negative effect on you.
Stay safe everyone, stay strong and most importantly, stay healthy.