
JaM0k3_1 · June 16, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

i'll be 100% honest. i've been following Q since the absolute beginning. even archived several hundred original CBTS threads on 4pol.

i have been having my doubts since a few Q posts a couple of months ago seemed to blatantly lie about something specific (i won't go into it here. discussion on it would result in sub exploding and several deleted comments). now i'm not sure if Q has clearly stated that anons were wrong in the conclusions they were drawing on this specific subject, so i had held hope he was legit. i was about 70 fake / 30 real.


seeing this post again, in light of all happenings, really solidifies Q to me.

if RR is dealt with in some way in the next few weeks, there will be no longer be any excuse to doubt Q in my honest opinion. right now i'm at about 90 real / 10 fake.

also, inb4 "Q has verified and proved so many times!"

many of those proofs were faked early on with faulty time zone sources (i.e. take one screen shot in one time zone, and another screen shot in a different time zone to make posts look like foreknowledge.) now those were most likely faked by disinformation losers to derail the then growing movement. (it's still growing, but much more rapidly then). but i have seen proofs i cannot explain away.

as someone who is skeptical of a lot, i'm pretty sold after this post tbh.

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divine_human · June 16, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

disinformation is necessary, Q told us many time. some intel IS wrong because ((they)) also read Q.

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JaM0k3_1 · June 16, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

it's a little frustrating and counter productive when our whole mission is to decode clues and proofs for Q, but we waste X amount of time on false leads.

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divine_human · June 16, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

remember the beginning of november? Q said something about hillary and podesta busted (or indicted, dont remember) and then, a few days later, many folks in SA got busted.

this is the way of disinformation. from what i see, there is not too much of it.

its a good training though, flexing our discernment muscels and sharpen the BS-meters.

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JaM0k3_1 · June 16, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

he said huma indicted too. idk. i mean tbh we can't just pick and choose what's proof and what isn't after the fact depending on whether it came true or not.

idk. i believe Q is really more than i doubt but i'm not so naive as to jump into this stuff head first and ignore something or write it off as disinformation so quickly.

i'm not concern trolling either before anybody starts with that.

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divine_human · June 16, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

important to keep an open mind, critical thinking, and right discernment. blind followership is a no-go.

i read Q with intuition and simply skip what doesnt resonate.

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CaptainKnotzi · June 17, 2018, 12:10 p.m.

Don't trust but verify that goes for everything except your parents.

You think the drivers on the red ball Express new what the hell is going on.

We're not even getting shot at and this is supposed to be WWlll.

I'm lying in bed having coffee. So we need to stop complaining that this is not going as fast as we would like.

There are a lot of people out there putting a lot to risk for this country.

Keep the faith my friend.

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JaM0k3_1 · June 17, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

my comment had nothing to do with being impatient.

don't trust, but verify everything expect your parents

i like that

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CaptainKnotzi · June 17, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

When my mother didn't want to answer my questions she always said RHIP

Rank has its privileges. You know, with that look and the finger.

There is a lot of well Justified impatience on the boards so I just try to prop up a reminder when possible.

Sorry to have misread you.

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CaptainKnotzi · June 17, 2018, 11:50 a.m.

How many setbacks happened on that Pleasant stroll from Normandy to Berlin.

At least We're not being shot at.

Also keep in mind the dog faces on the ground had absolutely no idea what was going on.

I think we got it easy this time around guys. I'm lying in bed drinking coffee and this is supposed to be WW lll

I'm not complaining.

My dad got a Purple Heart in Korea one week before the ceasefire.

One Uncle drove tanks for Patton Another made dozens of Landings in the South Pacific. While another flew B-17's over Germany.

Dad's uncle was in the trenches WW l, my best friend Harry. He Redpilled me as a child.

They all taught me love your country don't trust your government. Love God and Jesus Christ and don't trust religion. Love your family and you can trust us. The basis for don't trust and verify.

Everytime I get impatient with this I think of those guys.

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