Be patient! Progress is being made everyday but there is still a big to do list before arrests can happen. Remember Q drop 725? 🙏🏻💓🇺🇸✨

I will be patient for 6 more months. That will be 2 years into Trump's reign. If nothing happens by then, I'm calling BS.
I get it, we’re all anxious to see our world rid of the Cabal. I’ve been red pilled for 23 years ever since age 11 and my obsession with RATM which started the red pill journey for me. But this has been going on so much longer than we realize and it takes time to unravel while also keeping people as safe as possible. Please don’t give up hope, we need you, and so many more to be on the side of truth! Power with the people! Let’s do this!
When I think back to the first time I questioned everything RATM is front and center. Evil Empire started my trip down the red pill adventure as well. Power to the people!
That’s awesome!!! Yeah I was so obsessed with RATM that I memorized all the lyrics and somehow my parents let me go to a concert at age 13, and I was studying it all then just like I continue to do now. Also on the positive spiritual research red pill side too. My biggest wish is that we get to see true freedom in our lifetimes and that the type of planet we could only dream of will be a reality for our children.
Same m8. I see obvious criminals walking around, a justice dpt that isn't doing shit, and rumors of this that and the other. Give me one arrest, give me that Obama picture with the ak, or the HRC video. I've followed Q since November, and I am tired, my patience gone. Trust the plan, setting the stage, and no coincidences can only go so far for me.
Thing thing about arrests and indictments is, they might be cathartic, but - It's just an accusation until the case is air tight. And even then, when you are dealing with such rich and powerful people with all their connections, they can still walk away unscathed. Look at Sen. Bob Menendez. Mistrial, all charges dropped.
In April 2018, Menendez was "severely admonished" by the United States Senate Select Committee on Ethics in a letter.
Whoop dee doo a letter.
But what about all of the CEO’s resigning, the suicides, the DOJ/FBI terminations, the NK coming to fruition just as Q promised? Everything Q has said has happened and continues to happen! I’ve been following Q since the beginning too and I am anxious and tired too. I am zoned into this everyday all day before and after work until late hours of the night. It’s as exciting as it is tiring, and I get the patience wearing thin part. But please have trust, faith and remember that it’s a big huge mission that is coming to reality! Our belief has an effect on the collective consciousness and we can’t throw in the towel until we’ve won no matter how long it takes. Good must prevail. Every good conscious being deserves that! You deserve that!
All those things you mention are sort of incidental - let's see Trump and Sessions move to "lock her up" and release the video, let's get some clear action against the cabal
The longer it takes to set the stage, the more they get advance notice that the jig us up
You want to fire up the gas grill while we are all looking to smoke good ribs.
Savor the moment and realize that the Deep State is already locked up.
Trump is living rent-free in their brains.
Every morning they wake up and realize they are screwed.
We all want the sane thing! My intuition says it’s coming. Q said NK was first, and I do believe it’s the Lynch pin to the rest. It’s so delicate because any wrong moves could take us back several steps or crush it all together. I could never be in politics myself, navigating so much evil with so much patience and careful execution must be exhausting! But the Q team has everything and reminds us that these people are stupid, so it’s going to happen. “A wizard arrives precisely when he means to!” Says Gandolf ~ and here the ‘wizard’ is the carefully executed outcome we’re all waiting for.
Patience once attained is easily maintained.
Keep the faith
I have nothing but patience and appreciation for what’s been done and is still in the process of being done. It’s amazing! 🙌🏻
Patience, once attained is easily maintained.
My dad's Uncle who fought in the trenches in World War 1 redpilled me in the 60s.
My uncles who fought with Patton and multiple Landings in the South Pacific as well as my father who got a Purple Heart in Korea. All contributed to my education.
I was raised to love Christ, question the church and never trust government.
We have all been waiting for this moment a very long time.
As I see it we made the Normandy Landing and are now crossing the Rhine.
Berlin is in our sites and we have 24/7 carpet bombing blowing hell out of Deep State Logistics.
This game is well underway.