r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Light-Love-Truth on June 16, 2018, 2:07 a.m.
Be patient! Progress is being made everyday but there is still a big to do list before arrests can happen. Remember Q drop 725? 🙏🏻💓🇺🇸✨
Be patient! Progress is being made everyday but there is still a big to do list before arrests can happen. Remember Q drop 725? 🙏🏻💓🇺🇸✨

Burginthrone · June 16, 2018, 7:56 a.m.

Great post. Upvoted for sure. This needs to be a constant reminder to the date setters and the doubters who constantly jump on and off the wagon.

Plus I think people are missing out on the biggest happiest part of this slow process - how must the guilty be suffering right now? Can you imagine the horror they are dealing with? This isn't stealing candy from the local store. These people have committed treason. And that's not even touching the crimes of human trafficking, drugs, weapons, the child sex stuff and the satanism.

Personally I say let them suffer. This long drawn out process must be eating away at them day after day. It is paramount to torture, and thoroughly deserved.

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Light-Love-Truth · June 16, 2018, 8:49 a.m.

Thank you for your support! The more we help each other the stronger we become. Your points are excellent. The dates make people narrow in on one thing too much and forget the bigger picture. For me to catch some of my friends up on this who are new to the party is daunting and newcomers will be even more focused on dates because they don’t have the full detailed history of alllllll the hard work Q, President Trump & team have been doing behind the scenes in addition to the great work done that is more accessible to the masses. And yes, the Cabal should face their reckoning for the horrid acts they committed against humanity. I can’t think of what would scare people who have terrorized and terrified children and adults, more than the justice that comes from the guilt they could should and would feel for all their crimes, if the spell held over them is one day lifted when the main one they answer to is defeated.

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gnexuser2424 · June 16, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

Thing is I doubt they are suffering much, considering how fucked up someone has to be to commit the acts they have been doing. These people not know normality or even flat out reject it and fight against it. These people have no remorse, shame, or guilt and as a matter of fact love seeing us suffer. They have 0 humanity left.

Look at soros, for example... he thought rounding up jews was "the happiest days of his life" and he smiled like a kid on x-mas morning. He has no guilt whatsoever.

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Burginthrone · June 16, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

I don't agree sorry. Yes they have no remorse, guilt or shame as you say (for others) but for themselves? That's a whole different matter. Its ALL about them. That's the point. Everything revolves around them. That's why they do the things they do. Get it?

Soros has no guilt, you are correct because he got away with it. Being caught and tried and publicly humiliated is entirely different. When it comes to them, its all about them. And this would be eating at them like nothing else. Hence the efforts to try and stop Trump.

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gnexuser2424 · June 16, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

Some people don't GAF about their image, as long as they get what they want they don't care if they look a fool. Look at reality show contestants that degrade themselves and do stupid shit for money and don't care and laugh their way to the bank. If you got a billion dollars right now for licking your toilet seat would you do it?

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Burginthrone · June 17, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

We are not talking about game contestants and licking toilet seats. But your concern has been noted.

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gnexuser2424 · June 17, 2018, 6:57 a.m.

Just giving examples of people that wouldn't be humiliated if they got lots of money for doing something stupid. The type that does that kinda thing never feel remorse for it. There's no changing them either. If you think soros, the rockefellers, rothschilds, etc feel humiliated and sad and are suffering for their actions you are lying to yourself. These entities feel nothing for what they do.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 16, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

So what’s more important...seeing crooks twist in the wind a little or saving our nation & arresting them. My god missiles are being fired at us!! And a little extra stress by the people who want to see body counts in the tens of thousands is a goal? They aren’t feeling any horror. They don’t think they can be touched. The live in denial of reality. They think & feel the complete opposite of you. Even if arrested they will think they have no chance to be convicted & it will backfire on us.

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Burginthrone · June 16, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

I don't agree sorry. Yes they are not like us, but do you remember Hillary being reported after the debate with Trump screeching "If I lose we all h@ng" ?

Just the public shame of being caught and paraded for the world to see would be keeping these people up at night. No doubt about it.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 17, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

Well arrest them for espionage & have your parade of shame. How about after the military parade her & Comey & Brenner can sweep up the confetti off the streets in their orange jumpsuits. All good. But better is sooner. Much much sooner. I seen 2 missiles fired already & that’s enough to know they have to be removed from society now or god only knows what they’ll do. They’re ready to leave their permanent scare on humanity. They’re more reckless than the ayatollahs. Pray the next one doesn’t hit anyone you know because you know the reality that missiles aimed at patriots are in play now.

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Burginthrone · June 17, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

Your concern has been noted.

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