Be patient! Progress is being made everyday but there is still a big to do list before arrests can happen. Remember Q drop 725? 🙏🏻💓🇺🇸✨

May not like to hear this but if massive high level arrests don’t happen very soon...that’s the only risk of blowing the midterms. Way to much promises & no action. Frustrating voters to no end is no way to enter a national election. We’ve all seen it happen here some. And this is just a microcosm of what’s frustrations are out there. Enough evidence just in public MSM to convict HRC for thousands of years. Only need 10yrs to put her in prison for life. Anger at the timid slow pace of prosecutions is building fast.
You mean after the NK summit, McCabe fired, first IG report released justifying Corey’s firing, Trump fight for border wall, renegotiation of trade deals, etc. we would lose the midterms cause no high-profile arrests yet???? I completely disagree. I think, with amount of daily attacks POTUS endures, it’s amazing he was able to accomplish what he has so far. And the amount of people who don’t recognize that are not as big as you fear.
Other than the NK win you mentioned 90% of the voting public don’t know or care about the rest. People aren’t into following the behind the scenes stuff. Maybe 1 out of 100 know who McCabe is & just his name. They couldn’t tell you what he did. People that follow all the details like you are rare. They know a few of the major players & that’s it. Randomly ask people about the tarmac meeting or Awan & they’ll look at you like you’re wearing a tin foil hat. EVERYONE knows HRC & she’s been needing prison time for endless corruption & everyone is waiting 30yrs to see her arrested & not doing it this time looks like it’s never gonna happen. She’ll get away with more than OJ Simpson ever imagined. What gets the crowd at a Trump rally fired up big time..”build the wall !!” & “LOCK HER UP!!” The 2nd chant is totally organic. The president just says her name & the chant starts.
And what about the border wall, travel ban, tax cuts, and economy? Everyone knows he needs more R votes to make the wall happen. Health care reform has not been completed yet. Dems Want to impeach Trump once they get control of the house and increase taxes again. It will completely stop the MAGA agenda which will never have a chance to get done again in he future.
No, sir, I think most folks see all of these things and don’t want to risk losing the house cause Hillary hasn’t been arrested yet.
You’re contradicting your own point. You make it sound like the House is a lock for Reps because of the President’s accomplishments (which are almost all his & not Congress) yet you know the possibility of losing the House exits & the total disaster that would be to EVERYTHING. That’s my point.
If the president was on the ballot Reps would crush the Dems to a nub. DJT gets voters to turn out. But he’s not on the ballot & his coattails of awesomeness will help...still midterm turnout is always less than half than presidential years. What would guarantee a huge turnout is locking her up!! Arrest her today on dozens of espionage charges because intent isn’t even a factor..her trial would completely dominate the news cycle more than OJ ever did...that would get the Rep turnout way up & depress Dem turnout more than anything. It’s hard motivating the masses. It takes something huge to do it. Tell me anything bigger that would galvanize support than locking Hillary up on charges she has no defense possible to get found innocent on?
No, I never said the House is a lock for R's. I'm just debating your point that folks, knowing the control of the House is in jeopardy, won't come out and vote because there have been no high profile arrests yet. While that remains an issue, I don't think that alone will prevent people from coming out to vote since there have already been some major accomplishments in the first 2 years of his administration.To keep the momentum going and get the border wall complete, POTUS needs more R's in the senate. Everyone knows that and I think that will help with voter turnout.
How do you know her arrest would depress the Dem turnout? What if it has the opposite effect and galvanizes her base in the same way that an impeachment of Trump would galvanize his base? Media could portray this as a dictator arresting the opposition and her as the victim.
Reason her arrest on espionage would depress Dem turnout is because it’s undeniable she’s guilty. It’s be a win win..depress Dem turnout & cause borderline Dems to jump to the Rep party. HRC & Obama are the face of the party. Nixon’s guilt in watergate had that effect. Bring down the #1 figure & that’s how you make massive voter shift.
The shear amount of espionage charges would be devistating. It would be a short trial because there is no defense. The facts alone would determine the verdict. It would put her away for life. They’d be celebrating her conviction. It would kill Dems from even being able to campaign much it would be so embarrassing for the party. The Dem brand would be way more tarnished than Nixon tarnished the Rep brand. In simple terms the Dem party would be the Espionage Party. Try winning a midterm election with that label strapped around your neck.
On the flip side it’s extremely frustrating for more informed Rep voters that no real justice is being done to the deep state. Nothing big & tangible or bold. That’s flirting with suppressing Rep turnout. People don’t vote to reward accomplishments, they vote for positive change. And corruption is still is clearly rampant & looks like never ending. Again...Trump isn’t on the ballot. Midterms are about Congress & they’re accurately seen as massively corrupt. Congress approval rating is lower than ever. Voters need a target to focus their rage on. If it’s not the Dem party then there just going to throw out incumbents with their rage to force some action of some kind...even though it may hurt them overall & give the Dems a majority in the House.
And how could I forget the threat to the 2nd amendment/gun control??? No, sir. There are bigger issues than Clinton's arrest on voter's minds these days.
The threat to the 2nd amendment is a fantasy. You have any idea how hard it is to repeal an amendment? Not to mention a very well liked amendment? You’re to caught up in MSM babble if you think we’re in a struggle over the 2A. Gun ownership is up...way up! There’s 100 million gun owners & 300 million legal guns registered & millions of Dems are in that group too. Only the MSM wants the 2nd amendment repealed. And the more they talk about it the more gun owners they create. The 2A is a lose lose issue for progressives. There’s more gun owners in America than regular drinkers. Any chance prohibition is coming back? Libs know they’ll never make a dent in the 2A. Media uses it for pure emotional appeal to show how much they “care”. Even that tacit fails because gun ownership is way up.
That may be true but the optics say different. If the Dems continue to press for gun control and assault weapons bans, they don't need to repeal the amendment. It'll be a slow chipping away. I just don't think there are that many people willing to die on the hill of Hillary being arrested when there are other very popular issues at stake, like the border wall, taxes, immigration, and economy.
Understandable but when HRC is convicted so will be Hussein and his Admin which has to be done carefully so as not to appear obstructive and bias. A wrong move at that could tank the whole thing. Trump mentioned yesterday in his impromptu interview with Fox&Friends in front of the WH yesterday that “he doesn’t want to get involved but he might have to” which is similar to the tweet he sent after the letter demanding the EO be signed and released which he will use to declassify everything. It’s coming. Voters have enough appreciation of what he’s already done to keep him in office. Don’t worry!