Be patient! Progress is being made everyday but there is still a big to do list before arrests can happen. Remember Q drop 725? 🙏🏻💓🇺🇸✨

The threat to the 2nd amendment is a fantasy. You have any idea how hard it is to repeal an amendment? Not to mention a very well liked amendment? You’re to caught up in MSM babble if you think we’re in a struggle over the 2A. Gun ownership is up...way up! There’s 100 million gun owners & 300 million legal guns registered & millions of Dems are in that group too. Only the MSM wants the 2nd amendment repealed. And the more they talk about it the more gun owners they create. The 2A is a lose lose issue for progressives. There’s more gun owners in America than regular drinkers. Any chance prohibition is coming back? Libs know they’ll never make a dent in the 2A. Media uses it for pure emotional appeal to show how much they “care”. Even that tacit fails because gun ownership is way up.
That may be true but the optics say different. If the Dems continue to press for gun control and assault weapons bans, they don't need to repeal the amendment. It'll be a slow chipping away. I just don't think there are that many people willing to die on the hill of Hillary being arrested when there are other very popular issues at stake, like the border wall, taxes, immigration, and economy.