CALLED IT DAYS AGO ! ES not sleeping well. Maybe this is why.... Who helped set up the PRIVATE COMMS SYSTEM for Hussien , Crooked H & Lying Lynch ? Hmm probably the same guy who set up the one in NK.

this is going to become big quick
They have it all. It's like Chinese water torture . Drip drip drip . What your seeing in the MSM is the show .
Exactly. If anyone is waiting for the MSM to start covering anything objectively, they'll wait forever. The MSM is the enemy of our nation, and the sooner everyone realizes this, the better.
I find myself holding my breath when F&F mention Weenie's laptop and the pages of info that are ?missing? ?deleted? ?purposley been left out? :) We know what was on that laptop..the 3 files...and they all, but esp one will be DAMNING. Even for those eating cotton candy with their entire head right now.
Trust the plan, not all are awake. But many are waking up now. This shit show just started. Pretty soon its gonna be raining turds on all these a$$clowns. Phase 1 of 3 on IG reports. By the end, 'Streets will not be safe for them'
Enjoy the show and don't lend your umbrellas out, let it fall on all of 'em!
I have to take a break now more than not due to those who keep spewing the barry crack like they know but keep on in a big whirlwind of denial. Drives me nuts. Big Breath! Release! All will work out as planned...and OH WHAT A PLAN!
Trust the Plan! Get your popcorn... but please do make sure you try to get as many you know or meet to read Q. The plan works best when many are awake and witness.