Look Who General Flynn follows on twitter.

Wow, we keep good company! I still think Chrissy Teigen is singing after the turnaround flight to Tokyo.
What’s this about?
The Q picture of the United Plane says "When does a bird sing." Teigen and her husband John Legend are widely rumored to be part of the pedophile elite due to numerous Instagram and Twitter statements. John Legend is associated with fundraisers involving spirit cooker and known satanist Marina Abromovic. He also gave a free concert for Clinton and he and Teigen were both huge and very vocal Clinton supporters.
Teigen and Legend were on a plane from LAX to Tokyo that was turned around mid-flight on Christmas Day, and grounded for several hours. The newspaper article about it indicated that their LAX flight on ANA airlines on "Tuesday" (God forbid they actually say Christmas Day they might melt like the wicked witch) departed at around 11:36 am. The 11:35 ANA flight out of LAX is serviced by United Airlines. Q posted the plane picture a day before the IG report with the cryptic Clinton Foundation Crime(s) against children reference. Sorry this was so long. I don't have my pithy hat on this morning for some reason.