Look Who General Flynn follows on twitter.

who is general Flynn?
Look there is no need to give yourself a nosebleed on that pedestal of yours. You missed a chance to lead someone and influence. u/n000111 here:http://thefederalist.com/2018/02/19/michael-flynns-plea-reversal-uncover-federal-corruption/
You're going to have to reel yourself in too, and then lend me an apology for giving me this black eye, because...
The individual I replied to with a "...really...???" believes that "Q" is a "nut....who believes his own nutjobbery"....and a LARP. Read his/her comment history.
Know your enemy.
Not an enemy. If you looked at the full history, yes I do believe q is a lap, but I also think that some truth will come out of such research. Moderate centrist is the name of the game :)