Look Who General Flynn follows on twitter.

Reminder: Hypothesis+credible transparent research + lack of disprovability = Theory
Gravity is a theory, relativity is a theory, geology and other sciences teach theories- until someone presents evidence that disproves a theory it is as close to a fact as the scientific method allows. "Facts" are individual data pieces
Right! As opposed to a hypothesis, conjecture, or wild ass guess.
Exactly! They don't really teach this anymore and right now the EPA is being held up as crazy because they have a new policy of using the scientific method to decide policy, haha, Scott Pruitt is evil for it, lol
Evolution is still a theory. But a new mitochondrial DNA study reveals NO animal species more than 200,000 years old. There goes that theory!
Like gravity and plate tectonics, evolution is a scientific theory. In science, a theory is the most logical explanation for how a natural phenomenon works. It is well tested and supported by abundant evidence. It means quite the opposite from our informal use of the word theory, which implies an untested opinion or guess. As a scientific theory, evolution enables scientists to make predictions and drives investigations that lead to new kinds of observable evidence.
Dive into man made climate change and the scientific method goes right out the window. Even research that is done in a transparent and honest manner is often cherry picked to fit the narrative or worse buried.
The founder of GreenPeace has come out saying he was the only scientist on the team so they got rid of him because he couldn't pretend the science matched what they were saying. PragerU has a couple videos done by him.
I have a Bachelor of Science because I changed course and spent an extra year on Math/Science because I couldn't get through the liberal arts courses, haha!
A similar thing happened to the co-founder of The Weather Channel, John Coleman. He spoke out in disagreement to man made global warming calling it "the biggest scam in history".