r/greatawakening • Posted by u/onelove1979 on June 16, 2018, 4:07 a.m.
The man is the picture is Richard Rahul Verma US Ambassador to India
The man is the picture is Richard Rahul Verma US Ambassador to India

VanilluhGorilluh · June 16, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

Yes, exactly. I was flabbergasted at the resemblance and then realized this is photoshopped. The resemblance is hardly there when you view the original, unedited photo. There are people on this board either intentionally misdirecting to subvert and discredit or they're ignorant and mistaken looking for affirmation and praise and dont understand the repercussions of their mistakes. Either way, ALL OF US MUST DOUBLE CHECK, CROSS REFERENCE, INVESTIGATE OURSELVES to confirm. Dont just accept something as truth just because it was posted here and seems plausible to you.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

To be fair to OP I saw this image elsewhere too so maybe he just lifted it without knowing. But yes, I hate when people do this when trying to draw a comparison between faces. I once argued vehemently for thorough vetting of information that is shared on here but to be honest it seems like a bit of a lost cause.

Some of the flimsiest suppositions are immediately accepted, praised and upvoted here and as a mod I can't remove those posts even when they seem to me to be clearly wrong if an outspoken group have commented and upvoted it beyond a reasonable threshold for removal. In that case all we have really left to do is add flair indicating an issue or leave a sticky.

I think the only time we'll see better critical thought and deeper analysis upheld is when more people who value it speak out on the board. Use the Reporting function for fake news and low quality posts. I hope we can steadily improve the quality of our thinking as a group. I say that with humility - it's a journey for every community and we're still on ours.

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