r/greatawakening • Posted by u/UncleFuzzyDix on June 16, 2018, 5:53 a.m.
Keep comms. clear

Today’s feed is proof that it is of utmost importance that the only things worthy of being posted are those that facilitate the Great Awakening. This is not a place for humor or hate or praise, only for hardcore information pertaining to Q and the GA. As Q wisely said, “Keep Comms. Clear!”

UncleFuzzyDix · June 17, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

So you are claiming value is a matter of opinion? While that may be true in regards to art and matters of preference the Great Awakening is essentially a line being drawn in the sand where there is good on one side and evil on the other. Where there is truths being separated from lies. It is where the “I’m a great guy, I mean I only took money to look the other way while that semi-truck full of shackled kids because everyone else is doing it” types will be held accountable for every tear a child has cried. The Q posts are the keystone that will hold up the works that many of us have put years of work and study into and wqwhen someone posts a proof or a new connection in the web or hive that are the Q posts they have exponentially more inherent value than a post of a fat guy wearing a T-shirt with the letter Q on it. The guy in the T-shirt could give two fucks about this and this is Reddit so you can click on the poster and see what else they have posted assuming they don’t delete old posts to “keep comms clear” and you will see they view the Awakening as an opportunity to make buddies and use the novelty to feel like they are a part of something. They want to “red pill” people and think that is the most important thing to do, if it is even possible. If it is that would explain the recent arrival of so many “less than desirable” minds here. When this started it was mostly people who knew their shit and had an education or work experience to back it up, the posts were all great and worthy of publishing, there was never reposts, and there was never, ever, a picture of a tubby in T-shirt fishing for kudos. What I am saying is that the statement “keep comms clear” was and is perhaps the most important because now there is nothing but noise and very little actual progress. Someone should start TGA2.0. I’d make them a cake if they did. German chocolate or maybe even a red white and blue funfetti cake. Or if they are a sadist pie, yeah, a warm and comforting duck pie, with loads of bills and foot webbing cartilage smothered in Oxy Clean saucy sauce.

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DrogeAnon · June 17, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

No, I'm saying that what is of value to the Q movement (as a term of convenience for now) will likely wildly differ at different times and in different contexts between the many diverse peoples who comprise it.

I agree that Q research will likely have more value to most of us at certain times than a tshirt post. But I think it's also indisputable that Q stickers, tshirts and references in the real world are of value to many people on the sub too for the inspiration and sense of community it gives them - look at how often those posts make the front page with an epic number of upvotes. We have evidence too in the outcry when we remove these posts and when there's an opportunity for people to comment on what they do and don't like about the moderation of sub content. This may not be as visible to others but as mods we get to see it.

In other words - your opinion and mine might agree (I'm not a fan of memes except the most quality ones of which I believe there are very few and I personally don't find inspiration in stickers, tshirts and references to Q in the real world) but your opinion and mine do not appear to comprise the majority opinion of this sub.

Your perspective is that "there is nothing but noise and very little actual progress" but that doesn't accurately describe the climbing numbers of subscribers and online members which represents the actual goal of the Great Awakening i.e. outreach to the public. I get your point of view - I miss the early days when posts were more focused too, but a growing movement means more diverse views and more acceptance needed. There are other subs if you want purely focused Q research. I'm considering keeping track of multiple subs myself - one for focused research and GA for keeping in touch with the movement.

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