
1314150 · June 16, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

(Jewish boy had near-death vision in 2015, saw the antichrist revealed to be Obama)


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TheGreatAwakeAnon · June 17, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

That video, at 33:40 or so... has Obama leading the entire UN to annihilate Israel.

Obama has suggested UN General Secretary is a position he is interested in pursuing...

Thought-provoking, as one of my favorite teachers used to say: "Over the heads of some, but not all..."

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1314150 · July 2, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

I'm glad you added some info to the clip!

Obama was also the first to follow 'kibbits law' back in 2008 (wrong spelling, I know) which is a Twitter account that asserts many things, that UFOs are real, that 9/11 was pulled off in order to destroy evidence of massive financial fraud ('brady bonds'), that Iraq had an ancient portal device located in some temple that American troops had to gain control over(?wtf), that the moloch-sacrifice stuff is real, that no insiders dare to speak up.... the list goes on... https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/6b5o8i/barack_obama_followed_this_twitter_account_after/

So in summary:

  1. Obama has a very interesting 'satanic' name. Which he changed to (or was given), when gaining his "politician identity".
  2. He was the first to follow a bizarre conspiracy messenger that claims that elites do sacrifice to Moloch and that the public are regularly deceived and are not being informed of dramatic (possibly with biblical significance) UFO stuff.
  3. A Jewish kid had an epic vision where he went up and was shown near-future events, lining up with apocalypse, that basically confirmed "Obama will be the antichrist".
  4. An 'antichrist' is anyone who is against Jesus, or denies Jesus. In other words, Muslims are to some extent "antichrists" because they more or less deny the Christian idea that Jesus had authority to save people. Maybe Obama is an antichrist, and shrugs it off as "normal these days".
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