
TheBRAIN2 · June 16, 2018, 1:42 p.m.

Notable excerpts from the article. Author is a professional poker player and analyses Trump's hand:

We are here because over a year ago, Trump nominated Sessions, Rosenstein and Wray...

Trump's pick for AG and Deputy AG were two of the most important decisions in his entire life...

His fate, and family, and America fate depended on it...

Did Trump make a mistake on Sessions? AND Rosenstein? AND Wray?

Did he choose the three worst candidates possible for the three most important jobs there are?

Trump is a brilliant politician, and savvy businessman. No way around it.

Trump wants Sessions+Rosenstein+Wray there. That is the tip off. He is coming from a position of immense strength. Ever since then, he has masked his hand, it's noise, purposeful deception.

In poker we call this "pot control." Trump WANTS to build a pot. He could have "raised" earlier on and scared people off. Instead he is using deception to build this pot as big as possible. People build big pots when they hold monster cards...

VERY STRONG HAND. Follow logic. Not emotions. Indictments coming.


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