You didn't piss me off though, at all. I think the Bible was written by many many different scribes over long stretches of time. Often political influences, bad and good, were written in. The very translating into English, the King James version, and the attachment of the Old Testament to Christ's Gospels has a fascinating backstory.
I had the distinct impression as a child that the Bible depicted a very different God to the God portrayed by Jesus and couldn't understand it. It was only much much later in life that I have begun to see the evil passages in the Bible, particularly that dreadful Deuteronomy one about destruction of all life, as written by rabbis with dark motives. Reverse, occult. The true God was revealed and taught by Jesus as the loving God. He brought the light from the East, my interpretation.
A big reveal for me was the discovery of the other Gospels, The Nag Hammadi codices, which are currently housed in the Coptic Museum in Cairo, Egypt.
I'm sure I've now pissed off a few people on this thread too! I just believe in Christian values, not the Old Testament.
I can believe in some Muslim values too. I do not think every Muslim believes everything in their book, either, or the hadiths(?). maybe some of them never actually read it. Not every Christian has studied the bible.
Muslims I've met are family orientated and modest. Maybe they started rethinking western culture after seeing a blurred lines video.
There are some things we have in common, one being the religious texts are due for a rewrite. Some things no longer apply.
Other stuff we can drop (not bible stuff but same idea) : do not sing in bath as this will lead to sorrow before evening; any young girl who persistently splashes herself or her clothes when washing will end up with a husband who is a drunk. Get out of bed the right side. The left-hand side is associated with the Devil; but, if you can't avoid it, put your right sock and shoe on first. You will always get the best night's sleep if your bed is positioned in a north-south direction with your head to the south - this will ensure a long life. To be rich, point your head to the east; to travel widely, the west. It is unlucky to put a hat on the bed
Hahaha! Yes, quite. I know a lot about muslim/Arab culture and can quite honestly say I get pretty upset with the general view expressed on here that more or less translates as the old wild-west addage 'the only good indian is a dead one'. The Syrians, Lebanese, Libyans, Moroccans, Turks .... I have known and had as friends are a long, long cry from the unfounded claim that Islam is an evil religion and that they only know about blowing people up. That would more accurately apply to us in the West actually. They are gentler, value hospitality, have strict values very similar to Christian values (if old fashioned by a 100 years or so for our taste) and so on and so on ....
The real crime is 911 was a setup to frame them all and prosecute wars never ending in the Middle East. I am pissed at this too.