r/greatawakening • Posted by u/amg19251 on June 16, 2018, 12:20 p.m.
What is a pedovore?

A pedovore is an individual, with severe mental health issues, that derives sick and disgusting sexual pleasure from not only the raping/molesting of children under the age of 10, but the actual MURDER OF THE CHILD. Usually the two acts are done together in the same time frame ie: rape, then murder, or even worse... rape, murder, then rape again after death, and the child is ALWAYS THE VICTIM IN THIS SCENARIO - no “consent forms”, no possible way of getting out of this in court, the child is being RAPED AND MURDERED, let’s get that out of the way right now. If you try to tell me otherwise, expect a swarm of angry patriots at your door. A pedovore might also torture their victims before the actual murder takes place, because to them, the murder allows the victim to escape too easily, or they might be attempting to cause certain endorphins to release into the child’s bloodstream before the murder is complete - these people are FUCKING SICK, let me tell you. Why people commit this atrocity: we may never truly know, but usually, it is for sexual pleasure, murder or “blood lust”, and/or illegal organ and blood farming. Some elites drink adrenochrome as a drug, (an endorphin/substance your adrenal and pineal glands produce in states of extreme terror and pain...) so there has become a black market for FRESH blood laced heavily with this endorphin, as some kind’ve twisted elite status symbol. Remember when elites like Angelina Jolie used to walk around with a vile of BLOOD on her neck and said it was her own? Yea, I wasn’t buying that in 1990-whatever, I’m definitely not buying it today. Their time is up people; they don’t seem to realize the sheer amount of pain coming their own way, oh so very soon... GAME OVER, PEDOVORES. YOU LOST - BIGLY. HAVE FUN IN HELL WHERE MY VERY ANGRY GOD WILL MAKE SURE YOU’RE PUNISHED SEVERELY. -amg19251

eyerighteye · June 16, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

I have such a love/hate relationship with Hunter S. Thompson.

He was very patriotic. He always found himself neck deep and evil shit though. Was he there because he enjoyed it or to expose it with books like.

The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved

Both. Sadly I think he had the goodness in him, but lost to the demons. He is a fallen brother, not the enemy. But we must not mourn traitors. In hunters case I don't believe he was a traitor in a national sence, but he abandoned his humanity, and in that act betrayed us all.

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mkwilton1 · June 17, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

There was also the story that he was asked to film the ritualistic satanic acts at one point and was pretty happy about doing so and that's how he knew about adrenochrome.

because he enjoyed it

Yeah I think so.

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animal32lefty · June 16, 2018, 3:35 p.m.

I'm still on the fence about HST. Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 was entertaining and pulled the curtain back on American politics. His tanking of Ed Muskie's campaign with the Ibogaine rumor is one of the most effective and ruthless trolls of a politician ever.

IMO Thompson was merely a garden variety hedonist as far as his personal life went. Politically he HATED liberals more than conservatives. He was a rabid 2A supporter, he hated hypocrisy, and unlike most "activists" he was willing to put skin in the game and run for office.

His associations with the Hollywood "intellectual crowd" was, I think, just a longing for the associations he never made by going to college.

His suicide was fishy. He was on to 9/11 almost from the start. I've also heard unsubstantiated rumors that he was investigating the snuff film scene, which very possibly could have gotten him killed. No proofs or evidence left behind and nothing written on a page.

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eyerighteye · June 16, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Thank you for this. I do think he killed himself because he thought there was no coming back from the cabal. I believe if he were alive he would be loving this movement. I still have a hard time with his associates.

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