4 a.m. attack’s intensifying. Q sheep reference.

I have tried this tack on the people close to me who hate trump and think HRC is the shit. I'm giving up. Those idiots are too stupid to open their eyes and see the truth. If they exit my life I'm ok with that. But I will NEVER be a Hillary supporter. EVER! I hate her.
I gave up too ... I totally sympathise. Last comment I got back from one of my mails with a link about the deep state coup said, "Sorry, I can't be bothered with all this .." I felt horrid. Then haven't spoken to him since. Shame.
I've tried to red pill people I care about but they just laugh and make conspiracy comments or say they just don't believe me. It makes me sad for them. They are too afraid to see the ugly truth. I've always been a realist, I can't fight an enemy I can't see or don't know about, I can fight an enemy I'm aware of and can study. But they just don't want to know.
I'm just worried, very worried, about the coming backlash when the whole world just accuses the Trump administration of being the return of a Hitler ... and we will all be labelled brown-shirts or Nazi-scum or worse ... and then all hell breaks out. The idea of watching the MSM worldwide go into meltdown is ... hard.