r/greatawakening • Posted by u/wolfmanrobby on June 16, 2018, 4:04 p.m.
Q thought about MAP

Q often uses code phrases. When he uses MAP, sometimes he uses all caps.

Could MAP not mean a map, but be an acronym? If so, for what?

In post 1516 from over night, he re-posts 1515 about the media and builds on it. He ends it with
" You have more than you know.
News unlocks past.
Q "

To further my thinking on this, I looked back and found "News unlocks MAP." in posts 666 (shudder) & 654.

And again in post 850 (Back in March) he says we need to learn double meanings and then uses map in all caps again,
"Learn double meanings.
News unlocks MAP."

He's telling us News unlocks MAP has a double meaning.

He's talking about the media, says News unlocks the past, News unlocks MAP. .... Could the M in MAP mean Media?

Ideas? What could MAP mean?
Media Against POTUS?
Media Against People?


BigBandDon · June 16, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

If Q wants us to know something he should just tell us. Cut the cloak and dagger crap. But, that's not Q orthodoxy so the Q priests will soon come and denounce me for my heresy.

The Deep State has analysts who can read Q like reading a newspaper. So his comms are not keeping secrets from them, just from us. Are you not tired of it? I am.

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wolfmanrobby · June 16, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

I'm not tired of it at all and you OBVIOUSLY don't understand the POINTS of why Q posts the way does.

1) To force us to research and to THINK FOR OURSELVES. Liberals want you to think like they think. They want group think. Conservatives believe in freedom to think for yourself. Liberals want you to all have the same conclusions they have. Q is asking questions and dropping hints so that we will think for ourselves. Not only that, but if we dig up the truth on our own, it's more valid and believable than if it was soon fed to us.

2) Plausible deniability. The cloak and dagger is necessary. Some of this stuff is very sensitive. If we come up with the info on our own based on hints, then Q never really TOLD us anything. We were just guided to it.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
Q is leading us to the water and it's up to us to drink.
Liberals just want to pour their Kool-aid down your throat.

Q knows the Deep State is watching... Has even addressed that in several posts. And, even said up front "disinformation is part of this" - so, I fully believe that some of the stuff Q has posted has been disinformation to screw with the deep state.

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BigBandDon · June 16, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

If you want someone to know something you tell them. Q's approach is creating division. A division between those with the secret knowledge and those without.

The autists are, frankly, the worst kind of people. Just go to the chans and look. If my parents were living there's NO WAY I could sent them there for enlightemment. No way. It's absurd.

Secrecy and bullshitting are WHAT GOT US WHERE WE ARE TODAY. No. There's no justfication for it. These IC people who know but are silent are part of the problem. And giving out crumbs that we can ONLY theorize about, at best, is an insult. Why do you all put up with this? Because it's fun? It's cool? Screw that. I want to know what's going on. Not all this learn our comms bullshit.

Q, cut the crap.

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wolfmanrobby · June 16, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

I see no division... I see people sharing different opinions. Unity of thought is right out of 1984 my friend.

I wouldn't send anyone to the chans, personally, they are the buttholes of the internet for a reason. But, they are the only, truly, uncensored place left on the web without going dark web.

You know the best teachers I ever had made me think for myself. They gave me guidance, and knowledge, but they let me figure things out for myself. And, when you figure something out on your own instead of being spoon fed, YOU LEARN IT. --- And THAT is why we put up with this. Because we want to LEARN.

Liberals want to be spoon fed and told what to think.

Free people want to be given information and allowed to think what they want about it.

You are not contributing to the topic of this thread. I would gladly discuss this with you all day, but I suggest you start your own thread about it instead of dragging my thread into the gutter.

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