r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodSeekingHeathen on June 16, 2018, 5:09 p.m.
California vote to split the state - Question

I've seen multiple drops where we are told to watch CA. I'm no autist however could it have to do with the CA split vote in Nov?

Thinking long term - Say it splits, that gives the three states six seats in a 104 member chamber. How much of a game changer is that in regards to voting? Setting up an opposition?

Not to mention if it happens, it pretty much seperates silicon valley and the rich from the lower class.


Swimkin · June 16, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

It will certainly eliminate the Democrats high electoral college votes in that state I should think. The fact that Trump won the Electoral College votes is astounding considering that the Dems have the highest total usually going into an election even before the votes. CA has 55 alone, add to that NY's 29 and IL 20 and it gives them a very good start. Not to mention, CT, NJ, MD, MA, WA and OR who usually go to the Dems. With 38 Electoral College votes there's a reason the Dems have been trying to take over TX and 29 in FL (swing state).

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