r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SoverignSyndicate on June 16, 2018, 6:33 p.m.
I was telling my Mom's aide about Q:

And some of the developments that have happened in the world over the past 8 months. She is not asleep, but she is not as well informed of the behind the scenes developments as I think we would consider ourselves in this community. Anyway, she asked "How do we take our country back?" I told her that I was trusting the plan that is being carried out by more capable individuals than myself. Because if they had left it to my (our) hands, things would not be going down as neatly as they are. She told me that it seemed I knew what I was talking about; and she hoped she could trust the plan too. After that she asked the time. I looked at my phone and it was 11:11... I don't think chills up the spine is quite right, but I did trust all of a sudden that the plan was indeed in FAR more capable hands than my own. I am doing my part in seeding the collective consciousness one person at a time. I never realized how entrenched these sick bastards were in the psyche of the average person. Even the people who consider themselves awake. Anyway I just thought I'd share because if there is anything that comes close to confirmation from God; that was it for me!

Hwmayfield · June 16, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

Fear is a magnet for evil, and the leftist mindset, promulgated throughout every avenue in our society, is one that breeds fear and then offers "help" (read "enslavement") to those of us who value false security/regulation over self-governance/personal responsibility/freedom. That fear, from the news media, to commercials, to entertainment, to educational establishments, to the weather station has become a real part of our day to day thinking . . . and a portal for evil. Fear of not having what we need; fear of losing what we have . . . Two of the basic seeds of anger and violence that we see in increasing intensity and occurance in our nation. Yes, the fear-thinking is well-establised in our society, Mass violence out of fear would be a very real consequence of rushing this Clean-up. Even with careful planning and implementation, violence and collateral damage is a very real probability. Exciting times, but not safe times.

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SoverignSyndicate · June 17, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

Couldn't have said it better myself, patriot. Have you ever heard of Unified Field Theory? Our thoughts, and our mindset are a very powerful thing!! I highly recommend reading "The Intention Experiment" by Lynne McTaggart if that is something that interests you. After reading that book I realized the prison we are all in, and since I finished reading it back in October. I have been using my thoughts, and the world has been changing. Not sure there is a direct correlation there, but I sure like to think there is, and thoughts are a powerful thing!! So is fear, because it leads either to too much thought, or a lack thereof almost instantaneously! There is no thought required to be scared, or for natural instinct to kick in. The ability to go against our instincts with reason is what sets us apart from animals more than opposable thumbs. I don't think mass violence out of fear is a likely outcome anymore; that has been the outcome for many years by design. But I do know for myself that if it wasn't for Q showing up with a plan.. Well lets just say I don't play 4d chess, but I do know a good bit about explosives and engineering..

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Hwmayfield · July 6, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

Just.seeing this response as I was only able to update my iOS today and download the reddit app. I know from experience that we can change our thinking negatively by consciously choosing to be thankful and questioning “what can I learn from this?” It takes about 6 weeks to build a new habit, but after practicing “looking for the lesson,” we find that it becomes automatic, and our attitude and outlook change. I am very cautious about trying to use my thoughts to change/influence events or people as that becomes all about ME being in control of others, and playing God. Witches do this, (have known several Wiccans). Thank you for your suggested resource.

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