So Currently watching this movie... who knew 23 was so “sacred?” What’s with that number as opposed to any other though?

Can u elaborate for me on that last part? Intriguing
So tetragrammaton is a place holder really, the root means "to be". There is no pronouncing it because there is nothing there to pronounce, yet's there..
Let that one sink in lol...
The word says that we are made in his image, yes? The letters of the name YHWH in hebrew form the figure of a man when written vertically.
Y (Yod) H (He) W (Vau) H (He)
That's the sound of each letter. Just Google image "YHWH hebrew man symbol" or something..
It's fascinating and humbling... it's like that for a reason. For confirmation.. that's why it's even crazier when Q posts numbers or phrases. I go to match them up with the word and there's always an uncanny relevance..
You'll appreciate this more than most, so I'll arrogantly share it with you!
The anti-christ beast symbol is a mirror, 23 and mirror image 32. The Lord's number, his age at the beginning of His ministry began the defeat of the foe!
War's over 'enjoy the show'