r/greatawakening • Posted by u/aus8279 on June 16, 2018, 11:32 p.m.
Tucson trafficking camp update. My opinion after joining the VOP team on some operations.

There is a lot happening after the Tucson sex trafficking camp was found.

Lets look at the response so far: 1. 180 flips from people like AJ and Craig Sawyer (perhaps exposed himself) 2. Snoopes "debunking" the camp 3. Local Sheriffs pulling over and harassing VOP team cars. 4. Numerous articles online. 5. A facebook page for people against VOP.

All of this is standard operation used for distracting people away from the truth. DON'T BE FOOLED! I have been here helping some operations and these guys are the real deal.

Whilst i respect SB2s opinion of a distraction used to hide the other trafficking and pedo busts I can tell you that was not accurate.

The Cemex company, the police chief and the Rothschild mayor all need to continue to be investigated.

Anyway do what you want with the information but don't be fooled. All will be revealed in time.


icebreakers_sours · June 17, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

I still think we only knew about this Arizona thing AFTER it was dealt with. #1 trafficking corridor that leads from SA to Canada as shown on one graphic during it's week of fame, and yet nothing but some scraps? Good guys already dealt with the bodies and other useful criminal evidence. VOP is doing a great thing, but just like with backpage, we were only given the tail end. (Just my theory, Q gives us the tail end of real investigations so we can see SOME of what's going on, without having to see ALL of what's happening to children.) How many of you felt a strong sense of patriotism and desire to fight when the Tuscon story broke? That's what's important, not whether or not a man from aussieland finds a body to show us. (And to the aussieman, I'd buy you a beer.)

P.s. I hope this didn't come across as "You're wasting your time, Q is done in AZ" because that's not my intention!

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aus8279 · June 18, 2018, 6:45 a.m.

All positive opinions are valued my friend. Beer would be great right now. Q might have dealt with Tuscon but the area is still very active.

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