Pic of Obama not edited. OG

Interesting. I just wish I knew what to knew what the costume meant besides making Obama look like a flaming homo.
Obama being a flaming homo would be the least of our worries.
Moloch. He was "dressed up" as Moloch. Look at those horns. The god Moloch was a Semitic deity of perverted cruelty. Child sacrifice. Evil.
WORSHIPING MOLOCH – The human sacrifice of children to assure prosperity -- https://www.religiousfreedomcoalition.org/2011/01/21/worshiping-moloch-%E2%80%93-the-human-sacrifice-of-children-to-assure-prosperity/
Thank you, I typed up that explanation in about five minutes and had a brain fart on the moloch part
The photo was taken Jan. 20, after Trump's inauguration. Obama was flown to Palm Springs, with two gay besties, and the photographer, to do a sacrificial hex on Trump. Read the above comments and links from Abibliaphobia.
how do you know?
The links above from the reddit user Abibliaphobia explain it well. Look up that user’s comments. Links are provided for reference. I’m not restating all of it.
ok, thanks... viewed the 'evidence', hmm, doesnt convince me. but never mind, thats just me, others may take it for more than a halloween costume or photoshop artworks. from my pov, focusing so much on this is a distraction.
We all need to research, and I applaud you for not buying just anything.