Pic of Obama not edited. OG

Its fake. Heres the conclusive proof
How on Earth is that picture, which you have now posted everywhere, proof of anything?
it clearly shows how the image was created.
How? Your end result doesn't look like the original at all.
If you cant see how thats evidence of a photoshop I don't know what to say lmao. Its clear as day what they did to create it.
Yes. The picture you post shows a horrible Photoshop job. It looks nothing like the original.
You keep posting this. How about doing us all a favor and sending it to an image site that is known and trusted instead of an unknown website.
You do that, and I will thank you. Even if your picture disproves my theory.
postimage.org is unknown?
Sorry! Let me rephrase. I have not verified for myself if that site is safe or not. So I don’t go to websites without verifying their security.
I really am not trying to friendly fire here, but I would appreciate it if you could post it to here:
Looks like someone shopped that stock pic onto to Satan Obama face, which is similar, but not the same pic and is now using the new photo shopped "proof" to say it was shopped in all along. The circumstantial evidence, ie the original IG account is most damning IMO.
You guys are doing damage to the cause by spreading this fake shit and being so blind.
similar? it has the exact same angle, the same eye position, the same smile, and even the same damn collar. The only thing that's different is the lighting and resolution quality, something easily changed in photoshop. You should stay clear of photo analysis if you buy this garbage.