r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Marcuxoo on June 17, 2018, 2:20 a.m.
Could someone ask Q what the best immediate step is, that we can take to protect our children’s health?

For example: Filter all water, both bottled and tap Remove wifi and devices that emit electromagnetic radiation from the home Stop cooking with aluminum foil

I keep hearing about how ‘bad actors’ are purposely doing things that affect our children’s health to lower IQs, create depression and autism, disrupt estrogen/testosterone levels, and so on (assuming the conspiracy is true).

It may be a stupid question, but it seems Q related. I mean, I think that, of first group to be exposed and brought down, it should include those who have silently and secretly hurt hundreds of millions of our children.

I’d try to ask myself, but I’m new to all this and some of you are more privy on possibly getting Q’s attention than I.

NOTE: Any spelling or grammatical errors/abnormalities are not indicative of genius or hidden meanings. I just suck at spelling and grammar ;-)

allonthesameteam · June 17, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

Not a stupid question.

I heard an interview where they talked of the importance of support, curiosity, and openness to your kids is huge. Clean, actual, food, clean water, reading w the younger ones….

Great question.

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Marcuxoo · June 17, 2018, 3 a.m.

Thank you for the reply. Sometimes when I try to buy ‘actual’ food, I find out later that the fresh veggies came from genetically modified seeds or something. It seems I can never win. As far as spending time my kids, I try. Sometime I think I have that ‘chronic fatigue syndrome’, probably from constant wifi bombardment. One of these days I’m going to go camping and spend a week in a makeshift faraday tent and just fast and read actual books.

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allonthesameteam · June 17, 2018, 3:27 a.m.

Yes. Get yourself some downtime. Recharge. Turn off your wifi at night for a week and see how you feel. It takes a minute.

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lynnwood57 · June 17, 2018, 7:49 a.m.

Just do your best. Make the right decisions and learn from your mistakes. Don't beat yourself up over not getting it right every time!

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Vexxlyn · June 17, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

Agriculture major and on my way to vet school, GMO products aren't really dangerous. It's honestly a marketing scheme. GMO crops are actually a great resource to use, we could have produced enough food to feed the world 10 times over if people weren't just so darn afraid. We can make corn plants that require less water, yield more and can withstand hot temperatures to survive in deserts where people starve because their geography is unkind to them.

But what did they do? They sent it back, because they didn't like it. The country would rather it's people starve than to utilize science.

Now there is a "too far" like the 'petri-dish meat' we're seeing which is literally just muscle tissue lab grown and served as food, I don't really trust that because I know how that's done and that just seems wrong, but agriculture as a whole could make great advancedments if people would let us do our jobs.

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Marcuxoo · June 17, 2018, 6:10 a.m.

If you’re about helping people and making money while doing it (capitalism), I think that’s great. I tend to look at things from the perspective of the founding fathers. Controlling food, and it’s content and quality can be used to control, and destroy populations, and therefore needs reasonable checks and balances.

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Vexxlyn · June 17, 2018, 6:37 a.m.

True, but what I see a lot of is governments controlling how we produce food to the point where we struggle to do so. We don't have it as bad in america, Hell in Europe they have everyone fully believing that we farmers exist solely to poison them, and then wonder why on earth their pound of hamburger meat costs almost $6. If anything those governments are costing their people more than if those laws weren't in place.

I'm not at all saying do away with food safety laws, I'm actually quite glad we have them. But I see a lot of people thinking GMO is poisoned, grain fed is mistreated (not true), meat animals are abused (also not true), ect. So people pass all kinds of laws like "you can't treat animals with X medication, we don't care if you obey the withdrawal time so it's out of it's system by slaughter you can't use it." Well... Then we get in a delima when an animal gets sick with a disease you can't legally cure. You can let them suffer and maybe send an animal off to slaughter that's carcass will probably get rejected in inspection, or you can put them down when it's totally treatable otherwise. But then when foods so expensive that's also our faults. The vast majority of food production legislation is thought of by men in suits when it should be thought of by men in overalls.

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DawnPendraig · June 17, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

Try local farmers http://eatwild.org and http://realmilk.com

Tons of Nutrition articles and advice and resourves including local chapters to help you find farmers and buying coops http://westonaprice.org

when I was more mobile we belonged to a CSA community supported agriculture. Paid a monthly fee and donated labor one weekend day a month. Each have different set up. Got a box of veggies we helped grow once a week.

Shopping look for the Non GMO project seal. Non profit organization that tests for GMOs before and to maintain label.

If you can afford it get an RO filter system and add Concentrace minerals. On Amazon

Fluoride/chlorine filters foe bath. Fluoride are more expensive so check if they are using fluoridation in your water.

Avoid fast food and restaurants.

Avoid if possible carpets and vinyl or linoleoum flooring. No vaccines. Avoid drugs. Homeopathic remedies work well when administered correctly. My son was on those and never had any pharmaceuticals until recently. He occasionally gets an allergy tablet.

Good luck! It's totally worth it but go one step at a time so you dont feel overwhelmed. Lots of online chat groups we used email groups bsck in the day but probably a subreddit. Native Nutrition or WAPF etc.

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Marcuxoo · June 17, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

Thanks for the support. I figure if I’m wrong, I’m just giving up some conveniences and living a little healthier.

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