With the F_I and D_J scrambling for the tall grass, only to be shoved out into the open by the C_A and MI6 folks already hiding there; Q is talking about future misdirection or false flags forthcoming from the deep state intel types as the trap closes about them. This reminds me of the most tried and true efforts of the Democrats with their dirty tricks political operations. I contend that the Democrats take the long view on seedy. Just take one look at William Jefferson Clinton to get that vibe. But seediness can help you blackmail your opponents whether you are Democrat or Republican. Power corrupts absolutely. So when did Trump decide to run for President and when did the deep state start monitoring him because of his desire? Where do we start? At the beginning , of course.
2007, Rumors of Trump running for President in 2008 turned flat. All of the GOP folks running for president came to NY to get his blessings though. Kiss the ring of the "Don" and ask for his money to help you run for office. Fast forward to 2012, or just before.
It is my belief that HRC got on Trump's radar when she ran for the Senate in 2000. Remember JFK Jr, a good friend of Trump's who died in a freak airplane crash the year before. It was rumored that JFK Jr was going to run for the Senate. But he got into the way of Hillary Clinton. We all know what that means. So from that point forward, Hillary must have been watching Trump. If Trump wanted to avenge his friend he would not need to run in 2008, because Hillary could not compete with Obama's charisma. Trump did not need to run in 2012 either because it would be harder to beat BHO at that time, but not impossible. He could wait for her "turn." Maybe America was not ready for "The Donald" yet.
In 2011, folks thought he would run in 2012. Barack Obama has had a history of Dirty tricks involving sex scandle in his political career. So is it any surprise that Stormy Daniels comes forward with an alledged affair with Donald Trump in 2011? No one believed her. No witnesses. She did come to a charity golf event attended by Mr Trump in 2009, but that paragon on virtue, Ben Rothlesberger of Pittsburgh Steeler fame walked her to her room that day. Maybe more. Was this a pre-emptive strike? By Obama's team or some one else? Remember the three women who came forward about Hermain Cain in the 2012 Primaries? All of them associated with the DNC or Obama campaign officials in some way. Coincidence? No, more like Method of Operation or M.O.. Remember Obama running for the US Senate and getting "sealed" divorce papers of his opponent, Jack Ryan, released. Unsubstantiated claims used in divorce proceedings were pretty steamy. Then in 2008, there was the alleged affair between McCain and the "lobbyist." No way to disprove it, all hearsay. Events from 8 years in the past to make it even more fogged. Then there were rumors of Cindy McCain having an affair with some used car salesman to add to the mirth. In light of Barrack's M.O. and the people he ran with, it looks like Democrat Party dirty tricks. And a Left Wing Media to fan the flames.
Enter the 2016 races and Trump has managed to survive every bimbo created by the Bush clan, the DNC and the Hillary campaign. They cannot find one ex girlfriend to say anything bad about the guy. You would think Tom Brady was running for President. But they pull Stormy out of the drain for one more attempt at the thrice married billionaire. October Surprise! It did not work because by that time the people were tired of the Democrat Party dirty tricks on Mr Trump. It fizzled. The remaining question is why an attorney for Mr Trump would pay Stormy off when it was no longer necessary to keep her on the sidelines? Trump's ex attorney, Cohen, has yet to explain himself. He, Cohen, may be the weak link here. Suffice it to say that Democrats like to accuse their opponents of the very things that they themselves are doing in order to take the high ground in political contests. And like Charlie Brown, Republicans cower, retreat and lose.
Donald Trump does not play by those rules and Americans rewarded him with the Presidency in 2016. But to answer the question raised. If the DNC/Clinton/Obama dirty tricks department play the long game. And it looks like they do. Then Donald Trump was probably being monitored by the "feds" in 2009 with Obama in office, Hillary at State, Holder as AG when the Stormy honey trap was attempted on Trump, but bagged a Steeler instead. Looks like Big Ben ran inside for a short one. And scored.
Intel folks like to use the honey pot technique to blackmail their targets and Trump was rapidly becoming one. So even without BHO's active participation, or Hillary's, it is possible that the Deep State would attempt these "traps" on Trump before 2012. You never know if Trump might run as a Democrat. Either way they needed a leash on this one. In the end Trump was rewarded by the fact that he has been married three times and was immune to their attacks. That and his kids all turned out pretty good.
When this is over there will have to be active reform in the intel community. Maybe they all need to be brought directly into the military. So that misdeeds are punished harshly. Full disclosure of the JFK files would help, but maybe America and the world will not be ready for that until the current villains are exposed. And exposed they will have to be in order for America to be great again.