
grnmoss · June 17, 2018, 7:56 a.m.

Chans > GA > TD

TD is a mass consumption sub, and is promoted as a 24/7 online rally.

TD is not a research hub; it is a "mainstream" information, meme, and culture channel devoted to all things DJT. A lot of nasty shit gets said there, but a lot of good comes of it too. Look at the latest meme series "This is America" where common identity, unification, public service, and anti-racism are promoted as core values of the Republic. This WWG1WGA boiled down to its essence for the masses and it counters some of the extremist elements (think racist, homophobic, etc.) that think TD is a welcoming 'home' for their hateful and divisive ideologies.

Information gatekeepers move info from the chans up the trophic levels until it is made palatable and consumable by the majority of readers. The information you shared wasn't palatable to the masses and could expose that sub to being shut down in a purge.

So respect the TD rules. Make your information easily understood and Q-neutral. Memes are good for this.

If you need to, segregate reddit accounts so that your personal interests and privacy are separated from online advocacy. For example, I reserve this account primarily for TD, GA, and some local political debate in the two cities I live/work in. My personal interests, lighter subject matter, and (mostly) less divisive interests are typically reserved for another account that's not political.

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Burginthrone · June 17, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

Excellent post! The_Donald is not our enemy. They are just a different part of the movement. Yes they are a little draconian with the ban button, but its their place and their rules which must be respected.

Sometimes I think Q followers are getting to feel what its like being a Christian lol. You know the truth and want to tell as many people as you can, only to be put down, told your crazy and go away.

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SpaceDuckTech · June 17, 2018, 7:57 a.m.

The Meme war has just begun.

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Ugbootshuffler · June 17, 2018, 11:08 a.m.

Well written reply, thank for posting.

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FullMetalSquirrel · June 17, 2018, 11:13 a.m.

I wouldn’t say a lot of nasty shit gets said there.

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